Power BI Resources

Looking for some ways to learn Power BI? Here’s some ideas! I’ll keep updating this list, and feel free to use the comments below to submit your own favorites!

Learn Power BI

  • Microsoft Guided Learning – Very through step-by-step walkthrough to get you started with Power BI and to help walk through intermediate to advanced topics!
  • EdX Online Course – Another option for step-by-step learning

Keeping Up-To-Date on the Newest News and Features

  • Power BI Blog – The best source for the newest features inside of Power BI!
  • Guy in a Cube Youtube Channel – Lots of content here to help you learn everything and to stay up to date with new features and changing best practices


  • Power BI Documentation – Very thorough explanation of specific features of Power BI. Great if you have an idea of what feature you’re trying to use, and you’re not quite sure how to do it.
  • Power Query M Formula Language – Trying to do something in Power Query that you can’t quite figure out through the interface? Start here!
  • DAX Guide – A very thorough guide to every function in DAX